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The program system JCASim is a general-purpose system for simulating
cellular automata in Java. It includes a stand-alone application and an
applet for web presentations. The cellular automata can be specified in
Java, in CDL, or using an interactive dialogue. The system supports many
different lattice geometries (1-D, 2-D square, hexagonal, triangular,
3-D), neighborhoods, boundary conditions, and can display the cells
using colors, text, or icons.
Jörg Richard Weimar
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Here I have collected a few examples of cellular automata that are similar to examples presented at the conference ACRI 2000 in Karlsruhe, which took place on October 4-6 2000. Note that all examples are only similar, and do not represent the exact models used by the researchers who presented the models. The reason for the inaccuracies is that 1. the models presented here are all synchronous (but probabilistic) models, whereas two of the original models are asynchronous models. 2. My models are based on the partial information given in the presentations and the accompanying papers, which is not always sufficient to completely program a CA model.
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An example automaton is described in the file GHminimal.java . A description of the application can be found in the handbook for CASim , which is also available in Postscript for printing . Note that it you want to input CA-descriptions in CDL or Java source code (as opposed to class files), you should include the file tools.jar which comes with the JDK and should be someplace like /usr/java/lib/tools.jar in your CLASSPATH. Otherwise you get the error that sun.tools.javac.Main cannot be found.
Example for Linux:
setenv CLASSPATH /home/weimar/Java/casim.jar:.:/usr/local/jdk1.2.2/lib/tools.jar
Example for Windows: in the autoexec.bat file, put something like
SET CLASSPATH=D:\acri\casim.jar;D:\acri\;c:\PROGRA~1\JDK-1.2.2\lib/tools.jar;%CLASSPATH%
Java doc files for the casim classes are here
The book "Simulation with Cellular Automata" has been published in 1998, updated in 2002. Bibliographical reference: Jörg R. Weimar: Simulation with Cellular Automata, Logos-Verlag, Berlin, 1998. ISBN 3-89722-026-1, EUR 20.00. It is available through the usual distribution channels, from amazon, or directly from the publisher, Logos-Verlag in Berlin. The class is being held each summer term. Please contact me for further information. |
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Overview | Examples | Documentation | Download | Ads |
The simulation system is completely written in Java. You can download the jar-file casim.jar here. Pay attention not to change any characters in the text. If you are using a Winows-machine, better download the file packed in a ZIP file here and unpack it. Include the file casim.jar in your CLASSPATH, then start the simulation system with java casim .
The latest version has been downloaded on April 11, 2001.
For inclusion in your own web-pages, please download the file casimapplet.jar
and put it in the same directory aas your HTML files and
class files for your simulations.
Corrections and additions:
24.04.01: Support for multithreading, adjustable delay in simulation.
11.04.01: Fixed Bug to support loading classes with package names.
05.12.00: Changed grid color, added circular 1-D representation
05.12.00: Automatic increment of print file name; better error messages in CDL
22.11.00: Added LogicVisitor class
7.11.00: Added asynchronous updating.
20.10.00: better support for global variables in reset.
18.10.00: better support for Moore neighborhood in cdl files, no more ArrayIndexOutOfBounds.
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Overview | Examples | Documentation | Download | Ads | ..... |